CISM: The Premier Certification for IT Security Management Professionals


Securing sensitive information is more critical than ever before. A recent study found that 93% of Saudi organizations reported cyberattacks in 2021, a 10% increase from the previous year. With cyber threats on the rise, investing in qualified information security professionals is key. This is where the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification can help. Backed by ISACA, the CISM validates expertise in information security management. By providing CISM training for IT staff, Saudi organizations can better protect their systems and data.

The Growing Need for CISM Certification

CISM An In Demand Certification


According to recent research, the demand for CISM-certified professionals is projected to grow by 33% by 2030.

CISM: An In-Demand Certification

CISM stands for Certified Information Security Manager. It is a certification offered by ISACA, a nonprofit information security advocacy group. The CISM certification focuses on four core areas: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management.

Professionals with a CISM certification are in high demand. Surveys show that 70% of US cybersecurity professionals are required to have a certification. CISM-certified professionals also command high salaries, with pay ranging up to $243,610 per year.

Why CISM Certification Matters for Government Entities

Why CISM Certification Matters

Government entities handle sensitive data and resources, so information security is critically important. However, many government organizations lack qualified information security professionals on staff. The CISM certification helps address this skills gap by providing a benchmark for the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for key information security roles.

CISM-certified professionals have demonstrated expertise in areas like risk management, governance, and security program management. They are equipped to effectively secure information assets, assess and mitigate cyber risks, and ensure regulatory compliance. By hiring and developing CISM-certified staff, government organizations can strengthen their information security programs and gain a competitive advantage.

With the growing need for certified information security professionals, now is the time for government entities to invest in CISM training and certification for their staff. ES Learning offers accredited CISM certification courses in Riyadh to help organizations meet this need. Developing a team of CISM-certified professionals will position any government organization at the forefront of information security. The resources and sensitive data under their control will be safer and more secure as a result.

What Is the CISM Certification?


CISM is an information security certification awarded by ISACA. According to ISACA, over 50,000 professionals worldwide have achieved the CISM certification since its inception. To obtain the CISM certification, candidates must pass an exam covering four job practice domains: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management.

The CISM certification is intended for those with a minimum of five years of experience in information security management. It demonstrates competence in governance and management of information security programs. Studies show the demand for CISM certified professionals is increasing globally. According to recent surveys, over 80% of CISOs prefer hiring CISM certified candidates for leadership roles.

Why is CISM Important?

As threats to information security have increased exponentially, the need for competent information security management professionals has never been greater. The CISM certification provides assurance that certification holders have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to competently manage information security programs.

CISM certified professionals help organizations apply best practices in information security governance, manage information risks to an acceptable level, develop and implement information security programs, and effectively respond to information security incidents. They play a key role in helping organizations ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information assets.

How Does CISM Benefit Organizations?

By employing CISM certified professionals, organizations can gain competitive advantage through strengthened information security programs and risk management. CISM certified staff enable organizations to better protect sensitive data and critical infrastructure, comply with regulations, and gain stakeholder trust. Studies show organizations that employ certified information security professionals experience fewer security incidents and data breaches.

In summary, the CISM certification is the premier qualification for information security managers. It provides assurance of competence and helps organizations strengthen their information security programs. For these reasons, the CISM certification should be required for information security leadership roles.

The Benefits of Earning the CISM Credential

The CISM designation provides significant advantages for IT security management professionals. First, CISM certified professionals can secure lucrative, senior-level positions. According to recent surveys, CISM certification holders earn an average salary of $146,480 per year, which is $82,237 more than their non-certified counterparts. The CISM credential demonstrates expertise and allows professionals to advance into managerial roles with higher pay.

Second, the CISM certification provides global recognition. More than 38,000 professionals worldwide hold the CISM designation. This certification is recognized internationally as the premier credential for IT security managers. Earning the CISM designation can open up more career opportunities on a global scale. Professionals with the CISM certification are in high demand worldwide.

Finally, CISM certification significantly boosts career advancement opportunities. The CISM designation is a mark of excellence that signifies competence and credibility. Certified professionals gain a competitive advantage in the job market and access to more advanced leadership roles. A recent study found that CISM certification holders experience a 14% increase in job opportunities and a 7% increase in salary in the year after earning the credential. The CISM designation demonstrates expertise that leads to faster career progression.

In summary, the CISM certification provides substantial benefits for IT security management professionals, including higher pay, global recognition, and accelerated career advancement. Government entities, ministries, and universities in Saudi Arabia that sponsor their employees to earn the CISM credential will gain a team of highly-skilled security managers to help protect critical information systems and assets. The CISM certification is the premier designation for IT security leaders worldwide.

The 4 Domains of the CISM Exam

The CISM exam thoroughly tests a candidate’s knowledge and competence in information security management. It focuses on four core domains: Information Security Governance, Information Risk Management, Information Security Program Development and Management, and Information Security Incident Management.

Information Security Governance

This domain accounts for 17% of the exam and covers concepts such as information security frameworks, risk assessment methodologies, and compliance. Candidates must understand how to establish and maintain an information security governance framework and supporting processes to ensure that information security strategies are aligned with business objectives.

Information Risk Management

Comprising 20% of the exam, this domain tests a candidate’s ability to manage information risks to acceptable levels. Candidates should have a firm grasp of risk assessment, risk response, and risk monitoring techniques to identify, analyze, and mitigate information risks. They must know how to evaluate information risks, determine appropriate risk treatment options, and implement risk treatment plans.

Information Security Program Development and Management

This domain makes up 25% of the exam. It focuses on the knowledge and skills required to develop and manage information security programs. Candidates should be able to establish information security programs, manage information security projects, and coordinate information security activities across an organization. They must understand program development, project management, and change management methodologies.

Information Security Incident Management

The final domain accounts for 19% of the exam. It covers the processes involved in information security incident management, including incident response, escalation, and post-incident reviews. Candidates should be well-versed in incident management concepts, tools, and techniques to respond to information security events and incidents efficiently and effectively. They must know how to establish an incident response plan, handle information security incidents, conduct post-incident reviews, and incorporate lessons learned.

In summary, the CISM exam thoroughly assesses a candidate’s competence in overseeing and managing information security programs. By demonstrating proficiency across these four domains, candidates can prove they have the knowledge and experience to manage information security governance, risk, and compliance in their organizations.

Who Should Obtain CISM Certification?

The CISM certification is intended for experienced information security managers and those with management responsibilities. According to ISACA, candidates should have a minimum of five years of work experience in the field of information security, with at least three years in a management role.

Professionals who obtain the CISM certification will have demonstrated their competence in information security governance and management. The certification focuses on four knowledge areas: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management. Candidates must show proficiency in each area to earn the CISM credential.

The CISM certification can benefit those already in an information security management role or those looking to advance their careers. It provides external validation of an individual’s knowledge, skills and abilities in information security management. For those looking to transition into management, the CISM may open up new career opportunities and lead to higher compensation. A recent survey found that CISM-certified professionals earn an average of 20% more than their non-certified counterparts.

Within government entities and large organizations in Saudi Arabia, the CISM certification can help in developing a standardized level of knowledge in information security management across departments and teams. By requiring the certification, organizations can ensure their information security managers have a strong and up-to-date understanding of best practices. This helps minimize risks and supports a mature information security program.

For individuals, obtaining the CISM certification demonstrates a commitment to the field of information security and to continuous learning. It signifies expertise and proficiency as an information security manager, which can inspire confidence in colleagues and superiors. Overall, the CISM certification benefits both organizations and individuals, making it an important credential for information security management professionals to pursue.

How Much Does the CISM Exam Cost?

The fees associated with obtaining the CISM certification include the exam fee, application fee, and study materials. According to ISACA, the CISM exam fee is $575 for ISACA members and $760 for non-members. The application fee to become CISM-certified ranges from $50 to $75. Official CISM review manuals and guides cost approximately $135, though unofficial study guides are also available at a lower cost.

Exam Fees

The CISM exam fee covers the cost of taking the CISM certification exam. As with most professional certifications, ISACA members receive a discount on the exam. The exam fee is non-refundable, regardless of whether a candidate passes or fails the exam. Candidates must pay the exam fee for each attempt of the CISM exam.

Application Fees

In addition to the exam fee, candidates must pay an application fee to become CISM-certified. The application fee covers the administrative costs of processing a candidate’s application and verification of the experience and professional requirements. Candidates must pay the application fee for their initial CISM certification and for any recertification.

Study Materials

While not required, most CISM candidates invest in official or unofficial study guides to prepare for the exam. The official CISM Review Manual covers all four exam domains and includes practice questions. Lower-cost, unofficial study guides are also available from third-party publishers. For some candidates, the investment in high-quality study materials is well worth the cost, especially if it leads to passing the exam on the first attempt.

In summary, the total cost to obtain the CISM certification typically ranges from $700 to $1,000 for ISACA members and $1,000 to $1,400 for non-members. The exact total cost will depend on whether a candidate purchases official or unofficial study materials. For many IT security professionals, the CISM certification and the potential career and financial benefits it brings makes the investment worthwhile. Government entities and organizations may be inclined to cover some or all of the costs given the value of CISM-certified employees.

How Difficult Is the CISM Exam Compared to CISSP?

The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam is considered moderately difficult for most experienced IT security professionals. According to ISACA, the organization that administers the CISM certification, the exam covers four core areas of information security management: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management. While challenging, the CISM exam is seen as slightly less difficult than the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam.

Higher Passing Score for CISSP

The CISSP exam has a higher passing score requirement of 700 out of 1,000 points compared to 450 out of 800 points for the CISM exam. The CISSP also has a larger number of questions, with 225 questions testing a candidate’s knowledge across eight domains. In comparison, the CISM exam contains 150 questions focused on the four core areas of information security management.

More Tedious Material

Some individuals find the CISM exam material more tedious and boring compared to the CISSP. The CISM focuses on management-level issues around governance, risk and compliance which some see as less technical and engaging. In contrast, the CISSP covers a wider range of technical security topics including cryptography, security architecture and design, and security operations.

CISSP Seen as More Advanced

The CISSP is generally seen as a more advanced certification, requiring five years of paid work experience in at least two of the eight CISSP domains. The CISM only requires five years of information security management work experience. While the CISM targets management professionals, the CISSP is aimed at both management and technical security professionals.

In summary, while the CISM exam covers critical areas of information security management and is challenging, it is viewed as moderately difficult for experienced professionals compared to the more technical and advanced CISSP certification. Government and educational institutions in Saudi Arabia looking to certify information security managers and build robust governance and risk management programs would benefit from sponsoring the CISM certification.

How to Prepare for the CISM Exam

To prepare for the CISM exam, candidates should develop a systematic study plan. According to ISACA, the organization that administers the CISM, candidates should expect to spend a minimum of 150 hours preparing for the exam.

First, candidates should obtain the CISM Review Manual and CISM Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Manual to study the CISM domains in depth. The four domains focus on information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management. Candidates should understand how each domain relates to the overall information security management framework.

Second, candidates should take advantage of ISACA’s exam preparation resources, including exam review courses, study sessions, and practice questions. ISACA offers both online and in-person courses to help candidates review each domain. Local ISACA chapters may also offer study groups and mentoring programs. Practice questions from the review manuals and ISACA’s knowledge center can reinforce understanding.

Third, candidates should develop a study schedule to space out their studying over several months. It is unrealistic and ineffective to cram for the CISM exam. Candidates should study regularly over time to fully absorb and retain the material. Taking breaks while studying will keep candidates focused and rejuvenated. Some candidates may find it useful to study during their work commute or downtime.

Finally, candidates should think strategically and apply the CISM domains to their work experiences. The CISM exam tests candidates’ ability to apply knowledge to real-world scenarios. Throughout their study preparation, candidates should consider how the concepts apply to their roles and organizations. Taking a management perspective will also help prepare candidates for the exam.

By following a study plan, leveraging all resources available, spacing out studying over time, and applying a strategic mindset, candidates will maximize their chances of passing the CISM exam. Achieving CISM certification demonstrates candidates’ competence, experience, and dedication to the information security management field.

CISM Exam Cost FAQs

The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification exam is administered by ISACA. The CISM certification exam assesses an individual’s knowledge and experience in information security management.

To become CISM-certified, candidates must pass a rigorous exam covering four information security management areas: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management. The CISM exam is comprised of 150 multiple-choice questions and takes a maximum of four hours to complete. Candidates must demonstrate competence in all four domains to pass the exam.

The cost to take the CISM exam is $575 for ISACA members and $760 for non-members. The exam fee does not include any study materials or training courses. Additional local taxes may apply depending on the candidate’s location. While the exam fee may seem high, the potential salary increase and career opportunities afforded to CISM certification holders make it a worthwhile investment. According to PayScale, the average salary for an information security manager in Saudi Arabia is over $100,000 per year. CISM certification can increase earning potential and open up more advanced job prospects.

To register for the CISM exam, candidates must first apply for CISM certification and pay the relevant exam fee. Exam registration must be completed at least 12 business days prior to the desired exam date. Candidates may schedule their exam up to six months in advance to ensure availability at their preferred testing center location and date. CISM exams are delivered at authorized Pearson VUE testing centers around the world, including multiple locations within Saudi Arabia.

In summary, while the CISM exam does come with a significant upfront cost, certification can be highly valuable for information security management professionals. The CISM certification program allows candidates to demonstrate their competence and experience in key areas of information security management. Achieving CISM certification may lead to career advancement, increased responsibilities, and higher pay. For organizations, having CISM-certified employees instills confidence in their information security management practices and may help attract top talent. The investment in the CISM certification exam fee and training is well worth the benefits.


The benefits of equipping information security professionals with the premier CISM certification are clear. With cyber threats on the rise globally, Saudi Arabian organizations require qualified security management to protect critical assets. By investing in accredited CISM training, decision-makers can ensure their teams are prepared to plan, build, and run robust defenses. With skilled security leadership in place, Saudi Arabian entities can approach the future with confidence, knowing sensitive data and operations are secured. The next step is to contact ES Learning, an authorized provider ready to deliver an impactful CISM course.

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